program management & implementation

in-school day, high-impact tutoring
For our Saga Direct partners, we oversee every aspect of implementing an evidence-based, high-impact tutoring program.
- Program Design
- Recruitment & Selection
- Training
- Program Management
- Curriculum Design
- Data & Assessments
Students learn up to 2.5 years of math in a single year.
Students who pass 9th grade math are four more likely to receive a high school diploma, so we prioritize support at this critical growth and transition year.
our tutoring results
Saga meets national ESSA evidenced-based standards and is approved for CSI or other Federal (Title) funds. Rigorous randomized control trials showed that Saga Education:
- Closes the opportunity gap by nearly 50% in one academic year.
- Reduced math course failures by as much as 63%.
- Reduced course failures in non-tutored subjects by as much as 26%.
- Increases student attendance by as much as 18 days per academic year.
* Opportunity Gap: Refers to the ways that uncontrollable life factors like race, language, economic, and family situations can create a disparity in educational performance, career prospects, and other life aspirations.

our core program models
We offer three models for our services to best meet you and your student’s needs, including traditional, blended learning, and online only.

interested in saga direct?
If you would like Saga Education to directly implement high-impact tutoring in your school or district, please fill out the form below. If you are interested in technical guidance or consulting support with program design and implementation, visit our Saga Consult page.