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Can Tutoring Help Reduce Student Absenteeism? Surprising Results from Saga Education

April 15, 2024

Key Takeaways: Increased student absenteeism: The pandemic has caused a significant rise in student absenteeism, particularly among Latino, suburban, and rural communities. This is a major concern for educators and parents. Possible reasons for attendance improvement:  Personalized attention, a nurturing environment, and increased confidence due to better preparation might contribute to reduced absenteeism. Benefits beyond…

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New Research Shows How AI Can Improve Tutor Communications

April 12, 2024

Key Takeaways: AI Coaching Important Support for Tutors: Tutoring programs often have tutors who attended college but didn’t get teaching training. These tutors need someone to support them and help them improve their communication and teaching skills. Coaching for Tutors: Traditionally, coaches provide feedback to tutors through time-consuming in-person meetings. Research shows how an AI…

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Free Tutoring Webinar: How To Tackle The Biggest Hurdles To Effective Tutoring

April 9, 2024

If you missed our event, you can watch it here on demand. Struggling to implement high-impact tutoring (HIT) programs in your school? Worried about funding your tutoring initiatives after ESSER funds run out? This free webinar addresses your biggest concerns and provides practical solutions to improve your tutoring programs. Join Saga Education, a trusted partner…

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Tutoring Programs Co-Designed by Saga Education Reveal Promising Success

March 27, 2024

Key Takeaways: Tutoring Works: In-school, high-impact tutoring delivered significant learning gains, with math improvements equivalent to regaining two-thirds of a year lost during the pandemic. Coaching for Tutors: Delivery Matters: Out-of-school tutoring programs saw lower participation rates than in-school options. Benefits of AI Coaching:  AI coaching can provide coaches with target feedback for tutors to…

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Closing the Achievement Gap: High-Impact Tutoring and the Path to Graduation Equity

March 15, 2024

Key Takeaways: Algebra I is a crucial indicator of high school graduation rates. Students failing this course have a significantly lower chance of graduating. High-impact tutoring can improve graduation rates by providing targeted interventions and personalized instruction to students. Students of color, students experiencing poverty, and those with learning disabilities are most at risk of…